American Freedom Convoy kick-off
Troutdale, Oregon to Boise, Idaho
March 1-2, 2022
After two lead truck drivers backed out, the Oregon leg of the American Freedom Convoy was canceled on February 27, 2022. Baker County United members Ken Hackett and Jake Brown jumped on board and offered to lead the convoy on its first leg of the journey for Oregon. They left Troutdale, Or on March 1st and arrived at I-84 Exit 54 in Boise, Idaho the next day where another lead took over and continued with many more who joined the convoy en route.
What they discovered as they drove with a small but increasing number of participants, is that Oregon and Idaho are on fire with patriotism, love for country, community, and the American spirit of liberty and freedom.
The American Freedom Convoy and Baker County United want to thank every patriotic American that stood outside in the cold, the rain, the wind, and the dark and cheered and celebrated the convoy. As the convoy increases in size, it makes a good story. But the real story is the Americans who support from home the effort of freedom, the right to choose, and the preservation of our inalienable rights to life, liberty, prosperity, property, and our pursuit of happiness.
Thanks to all the networks of organizers, the homeschoolers, ONRI, and every other conservative and freedom loving group of Americans.
Roll on!